Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Tree Cover
Shrub Cover
Field Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
This forest has not burned for the past 2+ decades, and at present the ground surface is entirely covered by leaf litter/duff. Prescribed burning would eliminate most of this duff and stimulate grass and forb germination. The rare plant Cuthbertia graminea is scarce in the forest, but abundant in full sun on the adjacent road bank.
Gelsemium sempervirens, Galactia regularis, Helianthemum canadense and Euphorbia ipecacuanhae occur in disturbed, open sandy areas near plot.
Plot lies several meters east of Rt. 258, ca. 0.25 mi north of junction of Rts. 258 and 687.